Welcome to the New Elite 9 Hair Clinic Website
Elite Nine Nottingham hair clinic have collaborated with world professionals, from across the globe for their expertise in hair loss. As a result of our extensive research and investigations Elite 9 have launced this new website dedicated to hair loss specifically for Men and women. This website will feature regular blogs on fundamental issues such as the Menopause and its effect on womans hair loss. Blogs on female pattern hair loss/male pattern baldness and other hair loss topic. Elite Nine Nottingham hair loss clinic provide a comprehensive Trichology Treatment therapy plans for all hair loss conditions.
As Trichologist we know many cilents cannot be helped due to fundamental damage to the hair follicle. Many patients we see have highly characterised hair thining within the crown area.
Elite Nine are proud to present Nottingham Bespoke Non- surgical hair replacement systems for Men Woman and Children. Elite 9 Bespoke hair system are the most Natural looking hair system on the market today. You have a fast choice of different materials hair texture and hair density to choose from. The beauty of Eilte Nine Nottingham bespoke hair systems they are made significantly to integrate with your natural hair.
Our new website also feature on line stores for essential minerals / vitamins/ shampoos conditioner and daily aftercare products for hair loss. We also have a large selection of daily after care products such as shampoos conditioners daily maintance spray. Bonding glues tapes tape release for Bespoke non surgical hair replacement system.