Hair Loss Causes and Treatments
Hair loss or alopecia is one of the most common conditions in the world. People from all age groups all over the world can be affected by it. In addition to the different age groups, hair loss can affect people irrespective of their gender however men suffer more from it than women.
Hair loss may seem like a simple problem however it can greatly affect a person’s entire personality. Hair loss can cause people to lose self esteem and self confidence. We are lucky to be living in a time where there are several different treatments available to us which can prevent hair loss. To understand the treatment of hair loss we should first understand why it happens in the first place. There are many different causes of hair loss. Let’s take a look at some of the most common causes of hair loss.
Genetic Reasons
One of the most common causes of hair loss is genetics. If there is history of hair loss condition in your family then there are chances that you will lose hair at a certain stage in your life. You might many young people with baldness whereas many old people still have their full set of hair. This can be due to the fact that the older person did not have a family history of hair loss. So if your family does not have a history of hair loss, with proper maintenance, you can keep your full set of hair even when you are in your 60s or 70s.
Medications and supplements of different types can also affect the rate you lose your hair. Some medicines affect your hair follicles with eventually causes you to lose hair. Over the counter medicines aren’t this dangerous however medication for specific conditions can cause rapid hair loss.
Radiation and Chemotherapy
Treatments like radiation and chemotherapy are very common causes of hair loss. If you have ever seen a person suffering from cancer, then you would know what radiation and chemotherapy can do to a person. It affects your entire body including your hair follicles. Most of the times, after the treatment is successful, the hair grows back however in some cases the hair loss is permanent.
Trauma Or Stress
If you have recently suffered a trauma or you are suffering from conditions like depression, anxiety and extreme stress, then all these things can have an adverse effect on your hair. Stress and depression are two of the most common causes of hair loss in the modern world. Physical and mental trauma can also cause rapid hair loss.
Certain Hairstyles
Many of us don’t realize this but certain hairstyles can also be dangerous. If you like to do your hair in a specific way on a regular basis then that can put pressure on the hair follicles. This is why it is very important to only make your hair in a way which is easy and comfortable. Don’t put pressure on your scalp or hair when styling your hair in a certain way. Always use good quality hair products and avoid dyeing your hair as dyeing products have powerful chemicals in them which can damage the hair.
Scalp Infection
Many different factors can cause scalp infection. However if scalp infection carries on for a long period of time, it can cause massive hair loss.
In women, hair loss can also be caused by many different female specific issues. Many women start losing hair after menopause. It is also very common for women to lose hair after pregnancy.
Who To See If You Are Suffering From Hair Loss
You should always consult a specialist if you are suffering from extensive hair loss. A Trichologist can help you sort your hair loss related problems. You shouldn’t delay the process as catching hair loss at an early stage may help in preventing further hair loss. Trichologists can help you resolve your scalp infection and other hair related problem. They can also tell you which products are good for your hair and which products should you avoid at all costs.
In addition to the Trichologist, you should also consult a specialist for the main cause of hair loss. For example if you are suffering from hair loss due to depression or trauma then you should also consult a specialist from the respective field as well. This will help in resolving the issue at its root.