Why Am I Losing My Hair?
As a Trichologist my patients asked me to explain one fundamental question.
Why am I losing my hair?
There are numerous types of hair loss conditions we see in men woman and children. Elite nine hair clinic Nottingham have created this blog with the hope it answers many of your questions.
Pattern hair loss is often very disturbing many people suffer from this type of condition. with many clients we see lasting psychological effects cause depression and anxiety. It can happen from any age and often leaves patients with low self-esteem, the idea of permanent hair loss with men and women can be soul destroying.
The term pattern hair loss can be distinguished predominantly in men but does affect a large percentage of women. The medical specification is female pattern baldness. men the term used is male- pattern baldness, also identify as Androgenetic Alopecia which is genetic. This condition often affects the front and the Crown of the scalp. Men generally notice increased hair shedding shorter hairs non-pigmented vellus hair A gradually receding hairline is visible within the vertex. They can also notice patchy or circular bald spots on the scalp. The hairs appearance is a combination of thinner shorter hairs that are wispy and nonpigmented.
Women with female pattern hair loss the hair around the front hair line displays short defused hair thinning. The Crown area reveals gradual hair thinning but shows a significant broadening of the part within the centre of the hair. Undoubtedly androgenetic alopecia (pattern hair loss) is extremely common. This type of hair loss can start from a very young age and reaches its peak around the age of 50 in men. Research disclosed over 80% male population suffer with this condition. Women 50% are affected by the age of 40. Androgenetic alopecia is most common in Asian males’ African males’ European males.
At Elite nine hair clinic Nottingham we see many patients with hair and scalp disorders we have listed many different hair diseases of the scalp and hair.
Alopecia areata
Alopecia areata is cause by an autoimmune disorder which causes destruction of the follicles this is where the body’s immune system attacks the healthy tissues. This initiates a disorder within the hair cycle of growth. Once this occurs, we often see premature daily hair shedding. This can happen in adults or even children. Hair begins to fall out and visible small or large patches are identified on the scalp eyelashes or beard. Alopecia areata can be tremendously upsetting it can attack any part of the hair or hairline. Some extreme cases of alopecia areata can accelerate to a condition called alopecia totalis which result in total hair lossleading to complete baldness. For Many patients with this type of condition there only solution is to wear a non-surgical hair replacement systems or full lace wig system.
Anagen Effluvium
is the term given to immediate hair loss this is usually often we seen in patients receiving chemotherapy treatment or strong medication. This usually causes prolonged resting phase within the hair growth cycle resulting in instant hair shedding. Once treatments or medication as stopped the hair growth cycle will continue resulting in normal hair growth usually within 3 to 6 months after treatment or medication is stopped.
Tina Captis
Tina Captis commonly referred as Ringworm of the scalp,
the medical term given it’s a fungal infection of the scalp and skin. It attacks the face neck eye lashers eyebrows. It is most common in children and predominantly affects Afro-Caribbean children however it can occur in any child from any ethnic origin. The characteristic ringworm of the scalp are often small circular patches or bold spots within a specific area of the scalp. The area is highly characterised by scaling of the scalp which could become very itchy and sometimes as redness and scaling. The hairs affected generally appear colourless and as a greyish appearance. The affected hairs are often much shorter and often appear broken and fractured resulting in significant hair loss. Many patients are diagnosed with this and it can be treated quite swiftly medication is usually prescribed to remove the fungus with use of antifungal medication recovery time is approximately within two weeks.
Trichotillomania is a condition associated with female patients. The patient as an irresistible urge to Pull their own hair out from the root or various areas of the scalp there is often eyebrows eyelash involvement. This condition can affect children and is often associated with depression and anxieties. Trichotillomania is a chronic condition that can go on for weeks or months often children even carry on into their adult life.
Telogen Effluvium / Chronic Telogen Effluvium
At Elite nine hair clinic Nottingham Telogen effluvium is most certainly one of the most common conditions we see in patients. It is characterised by excessive shedding which is usually a direct result of disturbance in the normal hair growth cycle. The effect of this condition can be absolutely devastating and can affect the patient psychologically. A range of circumstances like job influence lifestyle medication recent sickness/injury can all trigger this condition. There are also many other factors such as
- major surgery
- psychological stress
- Poor diet
- protein calorie restrictions
- pregnancy and childbirth
- menopause
- certain drugs
- iron deficiency
- zinc deficiency
- Biotin deficiency
- Thyroid disease
- stress in terms of illness, recent surgery, emotional stress all contributing factors
Telogen effluvium is not a genetic component it can affect many genders and can be seen in children as well as adults. Many of our patients complain about significant hair loss in their ponytail or when their hair is down hair loss is visible. Many patients often complain of their hair volume becoming thin when styling.
Telogen effluvium is curable with various treatments the treatment process generally takes around 3 to 6 months. Within this timeframe the hair cycle of growth commences initiating the Anagen hair phase new hair follicles form. Remarkably Telogen effluvium can re-occur especially if the causes of the initial problem are repeated.
Andogetic Alopica Male Pattern Hair Loss
As Trichologist we know many cilents cannot be helped due to fundamental damage to the hair follicle. Many patients we see have highly characterised hair thining within the crown area.
Pattern hair loss is often very disturbing many people suffer from this condition many clients we see have psychological effects. Depression and anxiety with low self-esteem, the idea of permanent hair loss with men and women can be soul destroying.
The term pattern hair loss can be seen predominantly in men but does affect a large percentage of women. The medical specification is female pattern baldness. with men the term used is male- pattern baldness, also identify as Androgenetic Alopecia which is genetic. This condition is often characterized within in the front and the Crown area of the scalp.
What is a Hair Replacement System?
A custom-made Hair Replacement system is an innovative Revolutionary hair system convenient, Non-surgical Non- invasive solution to permanent hair loss. They are created to fit any area and are crafted from an extraordinary range of hair fibres. Human hair, Monofibre hair, Remy hair, virgin Hair, Indian hair, etc. You have options of built-in silk crown mono crown or lace /skin. All the hair systems create the illusion of a Natural hair line. They are all designed with extremely lightweight cap single hand-tied and single-knotted. Remarkable this formulate the effect of hair growing from the scalp. Significantly You choose the colour your hair density hair type straight hair wavy hair or curly. Once your hair system has been applied it will appear flawless to the naked eye.
At Elite Nine Hair Clinic during your private one to consultation you have a choice of style colour or length. Your hair system can be worn in any desired style from a stylish Bag with a sassy or wispy finish or a modern sophisticated look. Elite Nine women’s hair systems are completely versatility and can be worn with a parting anywhere within the system. Options of styles elegant chic Bob or a modern soft highlight curtain bag style, hair system can also be worn in a sleek sophisticated ponytail.
At Elite Nine hair clinic Nottingham numerous male clients select a modern High fade with a textured Quiff cut or Medium textured haircut with a High skin fade Elite 9 dedicated stylist will assist to create the perfect finish.
Who wears a Non-surgical Hair Replacement System?
Celebrities have inspired a rise in the trend by wearing hair systems for men and woman. many of the A list such as Charlie sheen Ben Affleck Matthew McConaughley John Travolta. Within the UK salons have Observe 70% of young men aged between 20 and 35 having styles like the only way is Essex or Geordie shore men’s hair style. Woman celebrities the Kardashians Lady Gaga katy perry cardi B, all are fond of hair replacement systems lace systems and have made them extremely popular. Due to this current trend today, there is a lot less stigma or embarrassment surrounding conventional ways of changing your appearance. There has been a fundamental shift in today cosmopolitan society we have become more accepting of people altering their looks by cosmetic surgery or hair transplants.
Elite Nine Hair Clinic Nottingham city centre Benefits of a Non-surgical Hair replacement
Whether you’re suffering from a scarring Alopecia Alopecia universalis or Alopecia totalis we have the best in medical care systems. These systems are specially created for clients who suffer from serious hair and scalp conditions all of which can result in total hair loss.
We know in today’s world hair transplantations can be extremely costly and sometimes painful. Hair replacement systems are a cheaper alternative to hair transplants. At Elite Nine Hair clinic your consultant will guide though a one to one consultation within a private area they will advise on all hair systems. They are not your conventional hair system or wig, they made extremely light and are comfortable to wear. Once applied hair appear 100 % flawless in detection and flawless in finish. There is no need in today’s world for expensive surgery when you can gain the same look with inexpensive non-surgical hair replacement system.
Measurement and custom hair system
Elite 9 hair clinic Nottingham hair systems are personalised within your consultation we gain an idea of your colour hair growth pattern and the style your aiming to achieve. We will custom your hair system with your own created template, assuring accurate measurements. we have a collaboration of medical hair systems, silk top hair systems, skin and lace systems full cap wigs, and toupees. fundamentally we will assist you with your selection of your hair replacement system. It takes around 8 weeks for your custom hair system to be made once your hair system ia made it can last up to 1 year before it needs to be replaced many clients depending on job or lifestyle will have two systems a year,
Your system once fitted will last around 3-5 weeks. This depends on one’s lifestyle and personal activities. What is remarkable is once the hair system is fitted, you can shower, wash your hair, go swimming and even go to the gym and the unit will remain safe in place.
How Long will my hair system last?
Many clients have different lifestyles, so we offer a full range of different hair systems. Super thin skin, thin skin lace, mono silky top. Many clients wear a hair system that last from 6 to 9 months. Many clients wear their unit or hair system longer. Elite 9 offer you a choice of different fibre’s and materials, some more durable than others. Please note your hair system is customised to suit you.